While there are all kinds of diet plans on the market, all reputable nutritionists will agree that the best way to experience longer lasting weight loss and health benefits is to eat moderate portions of fresh, unprocessed foods frequently.Sounds easy, right? If you’re in need of some inspiration as to how you can kick-start your healthy eating plan, here’s the lowdown on how to get started.
1.Use the power of protein
Eating a protein rich diet is essential if you want to keep your body healthy.Protein Builds Muscle, keeps you feeling fuller for longer, and has the added bonus of using more calories during digestion than any of the other food groups.Good sources of protein include poultry and red meats such as lean beef, pork and lamb, but if you prefer not to eat meat, be sure to consume plenty of beans and pulses.And don’t forget the good old egg as it’s packed full of protein and essential nutrients.
2.Don’t forgo the fats
While it’s been suggested that low-fat diets are the key to health and losing weight, most low-fat products contain large amounts of sugar. However, rather than cutting fat from your diet completely, make a point to include ‘good’ fats, such as avocados, olive oil and nuts, especially vitamin packed almonds and walnuts from the many nut trees which grow in the UK.But, as with all foods, moderation is the key; a small handful of nuts per day is all you need.
3.Cut down on the carbs
Unless you’re involved in heavy manual work, are an elite athlete, or plan to run a marathon, you should restrict the amount of carbohydrates you consume.That doesn’t mean adopting a very low-carb diet, but you should ensure that your diet contains a variety of whole grains such as oats,quinoa and sweet potatoes, together with as many fresh vegetables as you can eat.
4.Shun the sugar in favour of fruit
If you’re looking to kick-start your healthy eating plan cutting the amount of sugar you consume should be one of your main priorities. Sugar also hides in all kinds of processed products, even if they’re savoury, so always check the labels as you’ll be surprised as to what you may find.Restrict your consumption of sugar laden foods such as cakes, pastries, sweets, soft drinks and fruit juices and, if you’re craving something sweet, opt for a selection of berries or other fruits instead.
5.Wallow in water
One of the most important additions to your healthy diet plan is water as most of us tend to drink far too much tea, coffee, soft drinks and alcohol. Your body needs water to function at its optimum level, so make sure you drink plenty of it.Up to two litres a day is recommended and, if you’re feeling bloated, upping your water intake will soon make the bloating disappear.
It’s easy to adopt healthy eating habits by following the above suggestions for 80% of the time and adding in a few treats for the other 20%.Monitor your portion sizes and keep well hydrated, and you’ll soon experience the benefits of making these changes.